Thursday, January 6, 2011

Solving Network Challenges with Switched LAN Technology

LAN Segment Limitations

  • Signals degrade with transmission distance.
  • Each Ethernet type has a maximum segment length.

 Extending LAN Segments

  • Shares bandwidth
  • Extends cable distances
  • Repeats or amplifies signal 

    Problems Using Hubs

     Network Congestion

    • High-performance PCs
    • More networked data
    • Bandwidth-intensive applications

       Collisions and Collision Domain

       Collision Domain pertains to a group of end devices that have the tendencies for their data to collide.

      Shared Bandwidth

      No Intelligence

      • Eats up bandwidth
      • Unnecessary processing of frames
      • Security threat

      •  Operate at Layer 2 of the OSI model
      •  Forward, filter, or flood frames
      •  Have few ports
      •  Are slow

      LAN Switch
      •  High port density
      •  Large frame buffers
      •  Mixture of port speeds
      •  Fast internal switching (ASIC)
      Collision Domains = No. of Ports

      Switches Supersede Bridges
      • Operate at Layer 2 of the OSI model
      • Forward, filter, or flood frames
      • Have many ports
      • Are fast

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